The Essence of Who I Am

My mission is to inspire others to live with love, joy, compassion, & kindness by empowering them to choose love over fear in every moment of every day!

An Enneagram 8 wing 7 (on the healthy side) - I most certainly live up to the characterizations of this personality type - Challenger, Nonconformist, & Maverick.

I am an entrepreneur, leader, advocate, innovator, & visionary to my core.

I live with a growth mindset - to stagnate would be torturous.

I have no hesitation being open and vulnerable, and rarely will I hold back on sharing my opinions, thoughts, or feelings.

I don't work - I believe in loving what you do so much that it doesn't feel like work.

I might be an optimistic dreamer, but I've yet to dream something that I couldn't achieve - even if it looked a little different than what I had first imagined.

I detest the idea of being a hypocrite, which means I don't preach something unless I practice it.

I don't shy away from confrontation, but I value confronting others, and being confronted, in a loving and compassionate way.

I don't like small talk - I'm much happier jumping straight to the big stuff.

I've never worked for anyone else, and I don't plan to - but I will always serve others.

I have no desire for power unless it is the power to inspire!


Loving Parenting of Teenagers 101